02 March 2009

This Won't Take Long

It's time to take the gloves off and face life. I don't know about you, but I have wasted a lot of time. Nothing made this more evident than the current economic crisis our country continues to face. Financially, some families cannot see their way through, while others that never could see beyond a less than adequate income are brought to the forefront for survival solutions. I wonder if this is what the Bible referred to (at least in the simplest form) when it states the last will become first and the first last. Hmmm.


And so we move through our days, each blending into the next without any clearly defined semblance of purpose or joy. Jobs we hate. People we loathe. Behavior we abhor. Things we waste. Dreams we ignore. For what?


Facing a life is more than just acknowledging things that are hindrances. It is the willingness to confront those things that are not acceptable for the life we are blessed with. It is the determination to turn away from those things that are not acceptable according to standards defined on purpose, by purpose - not fear. It is the unwillingness to compromise a principle, a purpose, or a future in danger of derailment. It is the willingness to fight for the life promised.


Live. Laugh. Love.
Reduce. Reclaim. Restore.

This won't take long. It no longer has to. Life is short - and wide! Stretch in a different direction.

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