23 March 2009

Lessons From the Hospital Rocking Chair

1. Life is short - it is also wide!
2. There are much bigger issues than money - it cannot buy peace.
3. I like my bed after all.
4. I like my kids hanging out in my room, too.
5. Time is the one thing you cannot get back - do not waste it.
6. The prayers of the righteous availeth much.
7. Friends do not ask stupid questions when you are in trouble. If
someone in your life offers you a battery of questions before
offering their support, give them your ass to kiss.
8. The power to create lies with the creator. The choices to create
the life you want lies with you.
9. If you work so hard for so long and have not paid attention to
self or family, your priorities are not in order. There will always
be work of some kind. Do not wait until your kids are lunatics to pay
attention to them. Some kinds of crazy are preventable.
10. I love my children. I really love my children.

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